As schools finish up their final days of the 2020-21 school year, it is likely not surprising that countless parents are looking for ways to keep their children academically and socially engaged throughout the summer. Keeping your kids learning and engaged during the summer months can not only help them get ahead for the upcoming school year, but it can also help them maintain a consistent schedule. Both of these benefits can help your child be as productive as possible and lead to greater academic success in the new school year. If you are looking for ways to keep your kids learning during the summer, make sure to follow these tips. 

Find Books That Your Child Enjoys
One of the easiest ways to encourage learning during the summer is to help your child find interesting books. Finding books of interest for your child will make reading enjoyable while improving their reading comprehension skills. These reading comprehension skills will be highly beneficial when beginning the new year, as they will have been practicing while out for summer break. 

Plan Writing Activities
A creative way to keep your child learning is to plan little writing activities throughout the summer. There are a variety of ways to incorporate writing activities into your child’s routine, which could include writing letters to family members, writing grocery lists, or summarizing the favorite parts of the books they are reading. There are a number of benefits to writing activities. Your child will practice their handwriting skills and gain comfort with writing when returning to the classroom.

Start An Activity Together
There are countless ways to start an activity with your child that will benefit their academic career and provide great life lessons. Consider beginning a new activity together that will help build important skills for later in life. This could include starting a garden, completing a puzzle, designing a photo album, or creating fun jewelry for family and friends. Activities can teach your child important life skills and teach about the importance of seeing a project through to the finish. 

To learn more about how to keep your kids learning during the summer months, make sure to visit my monthly blog at